
OneScreen in Partnership with Konka


OneScreen in Partnership with Konka Announces the Launch of Interactive Smart Screens Powered with Qualcomm Technologies Processors.

Qualcomm Technologies’ premium tier processor will power up the next generation of OneScreen interactive smart screens. This exciting solution will soon be widely available thanks to KONKA and their partnership with OneScreen.

Lask week marked an exciting development in large-format smart screen technology. Clary Icon, the US-based manufacturer of OneScreen interactived video collaboration solutions, would bring fast processing and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) features to the world of interactive smart screens using Qualcomm Technologies powerful Qualcomm SDA820 processor. OneScreen s pioneering design unites the digital brains and the display hardware of smart display panels with cloud-based software and a customer-facing distribution channel. With the inclusion of the Qualcomm SDA820, OneScreen can now also offer advanced multimedia processing, multimode connectivity, cutting-edge AI capabilities and improved security in their smart displays